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Happy New Years 2020!

Wishing you a warm, happy New Year celebration and a wonderful start to the year!

Make sure you start out the year right by watching the recorded stream of New Years 2020 Magic Kingdom fireworks on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r5ywJFSJqF8 . So many fireworks! While you’re on YouTube, make sure to also check out Animal Kingdom’s New Years Countdown (the first time Disney has done this!): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xt6XMkoeHrw .

As for Disney+, the Disney Food Blog helpfully has a list of new movies being added in the new year. Simultaneously, a helpful user on Reddit has composed a list of movies leaving Disney Plus – it shows Home Alone leaving the streaming service, which is sad since it’s an amazing movie. On the plus side (or perhaps I should say… on the DisneyPlus side!) The Proud Family is coming onto the streaming service, which makes me much happier!